We meet; you speak; I capture your words and hold space.
TELL YOUR BIRTH STORY Sessions & Written Keepsakes
Your Birth Story Narrative Process begins with a one-hour 1:1 virtual session with me (on Zoom), where you are fully supported and prompted to narrate your birth story. We begin by centering, grounding, and opening ourselves to the story that wants to come through, and the tremendous thing it is to birth a child and talk about it.
The story you tell does not have to be linear and rarely is, and can start wherever it starts in you. New memories may arise as you speak. I transcribe everything you say, and then ask you some questions where it seems more could emerge. When you feel *done*, the session itself ends.
**for parents capturing narratives for more than one child, I often recommend breaking it up into more than one session, so each gets its due attention. The emotions that arise while sharing the stories can be surprising.
I also support foster, adoption and loss stories.
I edit for you; together, we create your keepsake
Follow up:
I work with the text and clean it up, making it flow and removing hiccoughs of speech. (Um, uh). I supply words you omitted, and make the story read well. I do not make any dramatic changes. I usually have this completed within a week.
Then I return the document as a keepsake to you, OR we can add pictures, graphic elements, or subsequent commentary, or make it more literary or formal.
For example, one mom I worked with chose to turn her birth story narrative into an inspirational speech! She delivered it at a community org for pregnant mothers, for those who may find the medical establishment unsupportive of their autonomy, power and sacredness! Many parents, however, choose to simply keep the story as it is, the way it is told.
You received an editable copy (in Word or Google Docs) which can also be converted to a pdf (static). Your birth story is always kept private and confidential unless you direct me otherwise.