I love helping you do hard, incredible things…
Please let me know what brought you here, because I’m so happy you made it! My clients come from NYC, from around the world and from right over there. We aim for accessible, inclusive and ridiculously friendly, and if we’re not that for you, we want to address it! We love humans like you, knowing all about you and your needs, whether they are making writing, babies, or a whole lotta spilled milk.
Our physical office is located on the Upper East Side, near the Shoe Repair Spot (we walk a lot). Our virtual office is on zoom and google docs. Come get your perinatal, Lactation, or writing support— to help you do hard, incredible things.
Contact Us
Want to talk about writing? Birth? Lactation? Working together in some capacity you don't yet have words for?
By all means-- tell me about it.
Leave me something fabulous in the message box. Let me know what you came here for.